Sacroiliac Joint Pain & Treatment
Chronic pain in the lower back, buttocks and/or upper legs can be caused by an injured or damaged Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint). Pain and symptoms consistent with sacroiliac joint disorder are similar to other disorders (herniated disc or a hip disorder). The similarity in symptoms can make diagnosing the source of pain in these areas difficult.
A sacroiliac joint can become a source of pain for many reasons, including trauma, pregnancy, arthritis, hip surgery or spine surgery. Pain occurs when movement in this joint becomes uneven because the ligaments have loosened or tightened.
Conservative Sacroiliac Pain Treatment
Initial treatment options may include some combination of activity modification, chiroprctice care, physical therapy and ant-inflammatory medications to provide pain relief.
Is the aforementioned conservative treatment methods failed to provide relief, a doctor may recommend a sacroiliac joint injection.
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
A sacroiliac joint injection may be recommended by an orthopedic doctor to diagnose and treat pain in the low back, buttocks or upper legs to confirm the results of a diagnosis done using your medical history, a comprehensive physical exam, and possibly imaging test. If the injection alleviates pain, the sacroiliac joint is confirmed to be the source of pain and discomfort.
Sacroiliac Joint Injection Procedure
During this minimally invasive procedure, the area around the sacroiliac joint is numbed with a local anesthetic. The joint injection is typically guided by a fluoroscope, which provides real time images to a monitor. The fluoroscope images and contract dye are used to help a doctor properly position the needle to accurately inject the joint with a corticosteroid.
The corticosteroid injected into the joint can take 3 to 7 days to take full effect. Pain relief can last for weeks or months.
Orthopedic Spine Doctors at The CMD
If you experiencing back pain, make an appointment at The Center For Musculoskeletal Disorders in NY or NJ.
Our team of Interventional Spine Doctors and Spinal Surgeons work together to accurately diagnose, evaluate and treat disorders of the spine. The majority of patients who come to use are able to reduce or alleviate their pain using non-operative treatment methods.